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Writer's pictureH. Michael Cantley

One glass act.

The main stain glass window has been re-installed into the church. It was completely re-leaded, everything was touched up, the wooden frame that holds the windows was sanded and painted, and the name of who it as given in honor of was corrected. So for the first time in its over 100 year history the name of who it was given in honor of is correct!! I don't know the story of why it was never corrected when it was originally installed around 1905 but it is great to know we have assured that the stain glass window was cared for and even improved upon. As a church we carry on the legacy of those that came before us. So many people we have never known gave so much to make our church a reality. People have sustained it through the years and now that legacy has been passed onto us. Think of it, the church building has been filled with people who made it through the World Wars, they made it through the 1917-8 flu pandemic, they made it through the Great Depression. They made it through some rough times and continued to keep the church alive so that many years later we have inherited their legacy. Maybe that helps put into perspective what we are going through now. Tom's Creek church and its member have made it through some rough times in our nations history and the history of the world. And we now help the church to make it through this global pandemic. We continue to move forward as a church even as COVID tries to keep us apart. Just like those that came before us, we give and sacrifice to assure that the coming generations might be able to enjoy worship at Tom's Creek. We continue to strive to make Tom's Creek a beacon of hope, love, and grace for all who travel past our church and all who enter in. I am proud to lead such glassy people(:



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