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Writer's pictureH. Michael Cantley

A year ago today..

Wow, it is hard to believe that last year on this day I tried to lead us in worship through the free conference call application because we were required to close the building for this thing called COVID-19. We have come a long way since then! I am proud to say that at Tom's Creek we have not missed offering Sunday worship once during the whole pandemic! There are very few churches who can say that. But things have changed through the last year as we worshipped together.

My wife and I led us through combined worship that was recorded in the parsonage office and sometimes it was her leading us singing hymns. At first we were only on Facebook and free conference call but then added a YouTube channel. We then went to the Promised Land and used an FM transmitter and speakers for us to worship outside and still live-streamed for those that wanted to watch from home. We revamped the whole website so we could stay connected and I have been sending out blogs and dropping. off bread. We then live-streamed from the sanctuary and improved our sound and video quality along the way. We now have a website that has lots of great stuff on it, you can even pre-order for our next fundraiser through our website! We have added to our worship service live and original music from our sanctuary after hiring a new Director of Music Ministry. That is just a snippet of all the ways we have evolved and changed while NEVER stopping worshipping and offering Christ to the world!

This has not been easy and the re-entry back into the sanctuary has been a long time coming. It has required us to spend money on lots of items and resources so that we have the equipment and technology to reach people for the Gospel. It is truly amazing what Tom's Creek has been able to achieve this last year. You have supported our worship and ministries along the way. AND on this one year anniversary I am asking for you to continue to do that.

We are in an unique time and unique position to reach people for Jesus. We are trying to make sure we have all the resources and tools to do that. One of the ways you can support the church and its worship and ministries is to gift the church the checks that are coming from the newly passed COVID relief bill. Whether you are in favor of them or not, if you qualify, that money is coming in the next week. Those that are not happy about it please remember there is nothing you can do about it EXCEPT use the money for something that will make a positive impact on the world! If you can give all or a portion of it to the church it will allow us to continue to invest in making sure we are able to have quality worship both in the church sanctuary and then out to the world. We have people worshipping with us all over the nation and the world because of the quality worship that we are offering to people. Those watching feel included in our church even if they have never stepped a foot in our sanctuary!!

Just a year ago you had to be in our sanctuary to worship with us and now we have people watching us weekly and considering us their church home from all around the country (and world). I just got off my second call in the last year with Paullete McCauley, whose father was a pastor who once had Tom's Creek on his charge. She watches us weekly, she joined our website, she has told neighbors about our services, is sending money to support our BBQ fundraiser, and considers herself part of the Tom's Creek Church community and she lives in North Carolina!

We want to continue to offer Christ in many, many ways. We want people to experience vibrant worship like we offer and join with us on our journey together. It is exciting to see all we have been able to do in this last year that changed our lives. God is using your church to share the Good News. Thank you for all the ways you have supported the church this last year and thank you for your continued support going forward whether it is with your time, your talent, your tithe and monetary offerings, your prayers, and/or your witness.

Who knows what God has in store for us in the year ahead but no matter what we will journey together in midst of it! And we won't stop worshipping and praising Jesus!



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