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Count your blessings...

Let us join together to count our blessings this Sunday at 9am. Yes, the Governor and Frederick County have added new restrictions and safety measures in order to stop the spread of COVID but that does not impact us having worship this Sunday at 9am. We are choosing to follow the strictest safety guidelines set out by the MD. State Dept. of Health to make sure we are doing our part to protect people's safety. Some churches are not having any worship in the building but we are still allowing 25 people in the sanctuary and another 25 downstairs in Fellowship Hall with an altar area and television station (50 total). As stated previously, this option of being in the church building is meant for those that are in certain categories. If any of these applies to you on Sunday morning please come to the church building to worship: if you do not have good internet, OR you if it doesn't feed your soul if you worship from home, OR you just need to get out and be with people because you are home alone or feeling lonely. We will have plenty of room so please come if you need to.

Everyone else has many options to choose from in order to join in worship at Tom's Creek. You can catch the Facebook Livestream at: .

We will start the Facebook Livestream at @8:45am and you will see announcements scroll and hear music playing. This is the best option if you want to interact with others online. Feel free to chat to each other before and during the service. You can put prayer requests in the chat. This is great way to be able to interact with others if you watch it live with others in your church family who are staying home but want to worship as part of an online community.

You can catch this livestream on our Toms Creek UMC channel at: . We will start the YouTube Livestream at 8:45am and you will see announcements scroll and hear music playing. This format is best if you are watching on a television or large screen with lots of people gathered around. You can have it fill the whole screen and just watch it without any distractions. There is a way to chat on YouTube but it normally has a lot less people and is normally a lot less chatty than the our Facebook livestream.

You can go to our website here and by Monday morning there should be shortened version of our service that will contain the Scripture, the Middle Hymn, the Sermon, and through the end of the service.

You can can also use a phone to listen to our service by calling 857-799-9465 from any phone starting at 8:45 am. This will only have sound coming through and you will not be able to see anything that is occurring. This is also the one where there might be sound issues because it does not always pick up the sound as well as we would like in the sanctuary. If you would like can we make a DVD of the service for you to watch just let the church office know.

To give your financial offering you can go to or you can go to our website and hit the donate button OR you can mail your offering to:

Tom's Creek United Methodist Church 10926 Simmons Road Emmitsburg, MD 21727

We are going to count our blessings. We are not going to look at all that is not going well around us but we are going to take time to focus on that which is good that going on around us. We are going to remember that God has blessed us and give forth our praises. Before we can come to thanksgiving we have to take time to see the blessings of God in our midst. So let us join together this Sunday in one of the many ways we can and allow that moment to fill our soul and bless us.



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