We have been blessed by a wonderfully generous church family that has continued to support the church and our ministries. I have some exciting news for our church family that between the generosity of the church family, a very gracious bequeath to the church, and our first annual Roast Pig/Turkey/Beef Extravaganza we are very close to paying off the mortgage! I would like to have something amazing come out of 2020 and that would be freeing us from the mortgage so we can invest more into reaching our community for Christ. Today is giving Tuesday and lots of different organizations are asking for donations. There are a lot of good causes out there but I would say the church is the only one that has eternal significance. All the other problems of the world will go away when Christ returns. Our job is to share the Good News so that people may have abundant eternal life though Jesus Christ! We hope and pray that we might be able to be balm that brings some relief upon this earth but we know that ultimately our job is to give people a gift that will never fade away and that is the gift of salvation.
So here is the big news, we are about $12,000 away from having the funds to pay off the entire mortgage. If we pay it off we can go into 2021 no longer having to worry about paying toward the mortgage. Any additional funds that come in will go to the Jimmy Hill Enduring Legacy Fund which will help support the church financially for years to come. I know some are struggling financially and I understand please know we love you and there is no need for you to give! I also know some people have been blessed this year some with rising stocks and retirement funds. If you have means and are looking for a worthy cause, I promise you that we will use your funds to find ways to reach people to have hope and receive grace.
Come on, let us make something happen that is cause for celebration in 2020. We can do it with your help today and this week. Just donate online or mail checks to the church to help support this opportunity to wipe out the church mortgage and free us to have even more vibrant ministries in our community in the years to come.
In the spring I posted a video that showed how to make bread dough and people had asked for a video on how to make sticky buns. I created this video as my gift to giving Tuesday. #GivingTuesday.