It is so cold I saw a snowman with a hoodie on!! But hey, we are not going to get any snow or freezing rain this weekend. But we will have some great worship at church this Sunday. This Sunday Norm Queen Jr., a friend of our Director of Music Ministries, will be joining Holly to lead music at the 10:30am service. I will preach a sermon on Nehemiah at 8am but at 10:30am Norm will be giving his faith journey testimony. Testimony is an important part of being a Christian. We all should be ready to share with others the story of how God has worked in our life and of the grace God has bestowed on us. It is one of those Sundays you might want to come to both services. We will have the livestream option available for the 8am service and MIGHT have it at 10:30am since Norm will be sharing. If you do come to the church please know that there will be some icy spots in the parking lot. It is so cold the ice melt is barely working!!
Starting next week we will be starting a new sermon series that is looking at how we can be part of the next Great Awakening. We should all hope and pray that more people will start to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. One part of that happening is making sure that each of us are fully awakened to what God is leading us to do in our own lives. There will be a book that will be available that goes further into this for those that really want to go deeper. The cost of the book to the church is almost $10 so we ordered only 30 books to start with but encourage any one who really wants one to pick it up next Sunday. If you would like a copy but are not coming out of your house let me know and I will deliver one to you. IF YOU ARE FAR AWAY you can order the book here and they also have a .pdf and Kindle version of it: There will also be a weekly 7:30am Monday morning ZOOM prayer call that Pastor Sarah will be leading each week during the sermon series. In addition, I will be starting a weekly ZOOM get together on Wednesdays at 2pm in February. More details on this to come next week!!
The bulletin for this Sunday is attached for you to look at. Remember that in the bulletin we have announcements, a prayer list, church attendance, the amount of offering that has come in that support our ministries, along with the outline of the service. We attach it weekly so that those of who can't be with us can keep up with the church. We appreciate everyone who continues to worship and be a part of our community even if they can not come to the church building. While we always prefer to see people in person as we try to build community, we also love those who join us from afar and we are blessed to have you as part of our worshipping community!! If you do come to worship in the church building Frederick County requires us to wear masks until COVID numbers come down. We have them available for anyone who needs one or forgot theirs!
We are live-streaming on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel. For those that are watching when we live-stream we do have a person that can see the comments posted if there are sound issues. While we don't want to fixate on every little sound issue we do want to know when something is way off and affects your ability to be able to enter into worship. I will warn those watch on Facebook they sometimes mute the video clips I use after the livestream. Unless you are watching worship when it is live I would recommend watching on the YouTube channel because the quality is MUCH better.
We are not passing offering plates so the wooden boxes are available to put your offering in. The 2022 offering envelopes are in church mailboxes for those that continue to use them for their offering. Of course you can also give online, use text to give (844-406-0358), or mail the offering to church. The new offering envelopes have some envelopes that have Capital Campaign printed on them and the purpose is to increase the amount of money we have to keep the building in good shape in the years to come. Most of the funds will be invested as part of the Jimmy Hill Enduring Legacy Fund so that we are prepared for the future!
We will be collecting prayers in the prayer box on the table in the parlor. Also, if you have announcement that you need to be shared please write them down and give them to me before the service. This will be an ongoing practice for prayers and announcements to help ensure that they are heard and understood by all (especially those worshipping with us virtually).
It may be cold outside but let it not turn our faith or love of Jesus cold. We are called to come together in worship so that God may warm our souls for service to God's kingdom. Hope to see you at church, and maybe wear a hoodie!!!
