This week in worship we are going to be looking at the Fruit of The Spirit called gentleness or meekness. This is not a trait the world around us really lifts up, it is often considered weakness to the world. Yet we know that the gentle and meek Jesus was by no means weak. It means controlling ourselves and not letting anger control us and not abusing power that we might have. It is a trait that the world often does not appreciate or understand. Yet, we know that when Jesus did not use his power to stop them from taking him to the cross, his meekness and gentleness allowed the greatest gift ever to be offered to all humanity. We might want to explore this trait and how to reflect it in our lives.
We have another exciting and powerful worship service for this Sunday. We will be honoring our veterans in the service on Sunday as tomorrow is Veterans Day. The bulletin is attached but might change a little by Sunday. I am posting this blog early because this afternoon my son and I are traveling down to Winston-Salem, NC where my wife is serving as a missionary. She has a major oral surgery to remove a tooth that has roots that are going under another tooth which makes it much more complex. We want to be there to support her and bring her home from the surgery that they will be putting her under for. So not everything in the bulletin is fully completed but it gives you a good ideas of worship and what is going on in the life of the church.
We are not passing offering plates so the wooden boxes are available to put your offering in. Of course you can also give online, use text to give (844-406-0358), or mail in the offering to church. In addition, we will be collecting prayers in the prayer box on the table in the parlor. Also, if you have announcement that you need to be shared please write them down and give them to me before the service. This will be an ongoing practice for prayers and announcements to help ensure that they are heard and understood by all (especially those worshipping with us virtually).
If people are not able to join us in the sanctuary for worship we continue to livestream at 8am (it will be available to view after too) services via Facebook ,( or YouTube( If you join and follow our Facebook page or subscribe to our YouTube channel, they will let you know when we are live. You can always watch any videos we post later because we leave them up. Also Sunday afternoon a shortened version is available on our website and on YouTube.
We are blessed to be able to worship together. It is a gift that in some countries they are not able to do publicly without fear of imprisonment or even death. We are blessed to be able to worship publicly so want to take advantage of the gift we have and also invite others to join us. Let's journey together.