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Writer's pictureH. Michael Cantley

On the 1st day of Christmas...

The rest of the world has been celebrating some form of Christmas for over a month now BUT we who are Christians know that the first day of Christmas isn't until today, Dec. 25th. We are now officially in the Christmas Season! I know many of you already came to worship on the 24th but we are going to be coming together again tomorrow on the 26th! This Sunday we are going to have a combined service at 9am with no Sunday school and no fellowship time. The mask policy will be that masks are highly recommended because of all that is going on with COVID. We are going to have a service filled with stories behind some of your favorite Christmas songs and they will be paired with some Scriptures that remind us of the incredible story of Jesus coming to be among us. Some of the songs we will just listen to and others we will sing along with. I know one of the songs we will be listening to will include my wife, Rev. Julie Wilson, singing with other Global Missionaries from around the world. Who knows maybe there will be some other surprises too!!

The bulletin for this Sunday is attached. As always we are live-streaming on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel. For those that are watching when we livestream we do have a person that can see the comments posted if there are sound issues. While we don't want to fixate on every little sound issue we do want to know when something is way off and affects your ability to be able to enter into worship.I will warn those watch on Facebook they sometimes mute the video clips I use after the livestream. Unless you are watching worship when it is live I would recommend watching on the YouTube channel because the quality is better.

We are not passing offering plates so the wooden boxes are available to put your offering in. Of course you can also give online, use text to give (844-406-0358), or mail in the offering to church. This is a great time of year for those that are retired to make sure you have spent the required amount from your retirement accounts. If you have not you can send funds to the church to help support our ministries and it qualifies as part of your mandatory drawdown. Also, those that have stocks that have gone up and don't want to sell them and pay the tax penalty we have ways you can gift them to the church. You don't pay any taxes and actually can get a tax deduction if you qualify! We have worked hard to come up with many ways for you to support the ministries of our church.

We will be collecting prayers in the prayer box on the table in the parlor. Also, if you have announcement that you need to be shared please write them down and give them to me before the service. This will be an ongoing practice for prayers and announcements to help ensure that they are heard and understood by all (especially those worshipping with us virtually).

So let us lift our voices in praise as we sing of the amazing gift the Christ Child brings to us. Let us delve deeper into the lyrics of the songs of faith we sing so that we are more deeply engaged with their significance and meaning. Let us journey on this road through the 12 days of Christmas!

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