To the the amazing Tom’s Creek Church family,
Listen for God is speaking to us! Tomorrow at 9am we continue with our Summer of Revival!! If you missed last weeks sermon, I have loaded just the sermon to Facebook for you to be able watch before tomorrow and on our video website: . A reminder that Linda Myers will be leading Adult Sunday school in the pavilion and at least one other Adult Sunday school class is meeting at the Promised Land after the worship tomorrow. Please remember that everyone is at a different level of comfort about coming out so please maintain 6ft social distancing and no shaking hands. Some other important notes:
- We will have people directing traffic so that people that want to stay in their cars can be parked to have a good view of worship. Those that are getting out of vehicles will be directed to the grassy area after the gravel parking lot. Bring your own chairs if you plan on being outside OR you can sit in the pavilion at the picnic table or in the chairs you brought under the pavillion.
- We ask everyone to come with a mask. We will have extra if needed. When walking around please have on your masks. Once you are seated you are free to remove your mask until you start walking around again and then they should be placed back on. Please keep 20 feet distance away from the main singer(s) at all times.
- We will have two stations that are exactly the same. The table will have hand sanitizer for you to use before touching anything on the table. On the table will be a sheet with the words to music for the worship, we will have the Our Daily Bread devotionals, and this week there will be a special gift for Father’s Day (all men are equipped by God to show fatherly love so it is for all who have been a fatherly influence even if they have not had children of their own). By the tables we will have two elevated closed wooden boxes that has an envelope slit on the top for your offering. - There are 2 portable toilets at the Promised Land. PLEASE KNOW THESE ARE USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! We will have speakers that play the sound outside. We will have the FM signal which is only strong enough to be heard while at the PromisedLand and you can listen to at 95.7 FM. We will be live-streaming the service on the Toms Creek Facebook site: (it will not be on my Facebook!!). The same live video stream will be on our video website for those that don’t use Facebook at: . We will have available for those that do not have internet and need to call in via regular phone or cell phone and the number for that is: 857-799-9465. We are working on getting the speakers to be louder tomorrow and know that there was issues last week! Let us continue to revive our souls and bring revival to our community this summer! Pastor Heath