Tomorrow at 9am we will be gathering to worship once again. Some gathered at the Promised Land sitting in chairs outside or under the pavilion, some gathered in their cars listening through 95.7FM, some gathered at home watching on Facebook with us as we worship, some calling in from home on their phones to 857-799-9465 to hear it. We come together to Revival our Souls. This Summer we are looking at the early church and how they lived a life of discipleship to Jesus and figuring out how we can revive discipleship in our church and ultimately our community.
For those joining at home and wanting to watch along with us you can go to: We know not everyone has Facebook so you can watch it from this link: OR you can go to our new website: and go to the Sunday Services tab and click livestream video. Later in the afternoon just the scripture reading and sermon will be placed on the web site under Sunday Services and then Sermon Videos.
We are still trying to optimize safety while trying to provide a way to worship in community. We are trying to optimize the number fo vehicles in the shade where people are going to stay in their car for the entire service. So please if you feel comfortable getting out and know you probably will, then save the shaded parking for those staying in their vehicles. If you want to be more socially distant and don't care about seeing everything going on there is some parking up across the top where the shed is. We ask that we respect socially distancing and while up and walking around that you wear masks until you find your seat. We will have paper bulletins available on the tables and there will be offering boxes by the tables with the bulletins. The bulletin is also attached to this blog and can be found on our website here: . We ask that during the service that no one smokes because we are outside and the smoke does travel and some people have sensitivities. We also want to minimize cars running as to reduce exhaust but understand that sometimes we need the A/C. Please let us remember that we are blessed to live in an area that so far has had lower levels of COVID-19 but that does not mean we shouldn't take precautions to protect ourselves and others. We want the worship space to be a safe place so let use treat each other with love and respect. One way we are doing that is we have a car spot saved under the big tree for Rose and Stanley Weimer. Stanley is our oldest male church member and oldest regularly attending member. Let us save those shady car parking spots for our oldest and most vulnerable members and visitors that want to stay in their cars. There is tons of room for those getting out of their cars to sit up top on the hill under the many trees that provide copious shade. And don't forget to share our many worship opportunities with your friends, neighbor, family members, and hey maybe even a stranger(: See you tomorrow!
