My friends in Christ, it is easy to get frustrated and overwhelmed when watching or reading the news. Even if you try not to watch or read it you will hear what is going on from others or maybe from signs going back up to wear masks at some establishments. It is easy to get down when it seems the news you are hearing is mostly filled with sadness or despair. People have experienced the blues ever since Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden. It is part of the brokenness that comes from the fall. What I love about Delta Blues music is that it sings of the despair and while letting the sadness out in the song it often ends with a sense of hope. Delta Blues music at its best are songs of perseverance and of making it through. Trusting that better days are ahead and that you can complete the journey, even though it ain't gonna be easy. Those that follow Christ were never promised the road would magically become easy. Christ told us the road would be hard but that God with be with us through the whole journey. We were promised that we would never be forsaken, and that at the hardest parts God would help if we needed a break. Yet, we were never promised that the road of life wouldn't have moments of sorrow and blues. We were promised that if we endure in faith, that brighter days would lie ahead (whether in this world or the world to come). No matter what you hear or see about what is going on in the world or your life, know that God has not forsaken us. Know that God is in the midst even if you can't see or hear him. Be just like the Delta Blues singers and go ahead and share how blue you feel but let it end with a grace note in faith and hope that God loves you and is with you.
We are ending the "Devil Made Me Do It" sermon series this week looking at the fact that no matter what is happening in our lives, our faith in Christ should help us rise above anything and everything Satan tries to throw against us. It will not always be easy but with Christ we will always ultimately reign victorious. It is assured that if we keep the faith we will be sustained by God. It will flow into the next two Sunday's when Rev. Sarah Dorrance is going to be preaching about heaven. I am not sure if while I am away there will be a blog with a bulletin but I can tell you that you will not want to miss worship when I am on vacation. Also you can always go on the website and the most recent bulletins are posted here for you to look at:
Attached is the bulletin for this week. We are not passing offering plates so the wooden boxes are available to put your offering in. Of course you can also give online, use text to give (844-406-0358), or mail in the offering to church. In addition, we will be collecting prayers in the prayer box on the table in the parlor. Also, if you have announcement that you need to be shared please write them down and give them to me before the service. This will be an ongoing practice for prayers and announcements to help ensure that they are heard and understood by all.
If people are not able to join us in the sanctuary for worship we continue to livestream at 8am (it will be available to view after too) services via Facebook ,( or YouTube( If you join and follow our Facebook page or subscribe to our YouTube channel, they will let you know when we are live. You can always watch any videos we post later because we leave them up. Also Sunday afternoon a shortened version is available on our website and on YouTube.
So let us raise our voices this Sunday in songs of triumph. Let us take our sorrow and turn it into praise for the God who loves us and cares for us. Invite others to come and to hear and to receive hope to feed and sustain their souls. Come let us journey together.
