This morning we had an issue with our Fire Suppression system at church. You might not know this but Tom’s Creek Church has a state of the art nitrogen fire suppression system that the County made the church install when the church was renovated. The system uses both nitrogen and water to put out a fire if we have one and when it goes off there is a lot less water damage. There was a malfunction on one of the sprinkler heads that released water in one of the back rooms off the kitchen. The Fire Department came and shut down the system and also helped to remove some of the water that for a little while was almost 2 inches deep in the back kitchen area and into the oyster padding room and over to the bottom of the wood stairs going up to the library. The fire suppression system is not operational until we get all of the nitrogen tanks replaced with full ones AND the company that we hire to service the system comes out and brings the system back online. We have been working since the early hours this morning to get things lined up to have this happen as quickly as possible. We have pushed pretty hard and called in some favors and as of right now the nitrogen tanks will be delivered tomorrow and the company who maintains the system will be coming Thursday morning. IF all goes well the fire suppression system will be back up and running by Thursday afternoon. Until this occurs we should not have meetings in the church unless there is someone who is on “fire patrol” to watch and make sure there is no fire in the building. With that in mind we have decided to move tonights Administrative Council meeting to one being held via ZOOM. Administrative Council meetings are open to everyone to have voice on topics covered and those that serve on the committee have voice and vote. The details to call in via ZOOM are at the end of this email.
We have contacted the insurance company to see if there is enough damage that we need to file a claim. While the damage appears to be minimal the cost of the nitrogen tanks and the cost to bring the fire system back up will be over $2k alone. Please pray for all involved in trying to get everything back to normal and give praise for our firefighters at the Vigilant Hose Company that are always amazing.