Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Holy Ones, this Sunday we will join together again in worship. We are looking at the Fruit of the Spirit and this week we look at JOY! Yes, some days it is harder than others to feel joyous but we can cultivate joy in our lives that will be there and sustain us even through the storms. I know this week I have had days where I didn't feel too joyous and yet deep down the joy was still there thanks to the Holy Spirit. It is not easy to cultivate the Fruit of the Spirit and yet as Christians we need to try to allow that joy to permeate our lives. This Sunday we will explore that further and find ways to cultivate that joy.
Just an update that Round Up Sunday was a success. We had a good number of visitors in our midst (remember there are many churches that don't see any visitors in a whole year)! It was a joy to present Holy Bibles to three 3rd graders as they continue to grow as Christians. And on Sunday evening we had over a half dozen youth that came to our Youth Group! We are being fruitful and reaching the world.
Attached is the bulletin for this Sunday. Please know there is a section for those that are helping lead ministries on Sunday morning. There is a section both for the current Sunday and the next Sunday. If you see a blank spot that means we don't have someone who has signed up to serve. Maybe this is a way God is nudging you to step and serve and use the gifts God has given you!
The bulletins have lots of information of things going on in the life of our church. Please know that we understand if you can't be with us in the sanctuary and hope that you can join us online until you are able to join us in person again. We also understand that some people will come to church and where masks, we also know that others will come to church without a mask. We want you to know that what is important is that we all find ways to make time for communal worship. It is vital to our lives and souls.
If people are not able to join us in the sanctuary for worship we continue to livestream at 8am (it will be available to view after too) services via Facebook ,(https://www.facebook.com/tomscreekumc) or YouTube(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX6E7eCwH2ZGYspkSCF0CGw). If you join and follow our Facebook page or subscribe to our YouTube channel, they will let you know when we are live. You can always watch any videos we post later because we leave them up. Also Sunday afternoon a shortened version is available on our website and on YouTube.
We are not passing offering plates so the wooden boxes are available to put your offering in. Of course you can also give online, use text to give (844-406-0358), or mail in the offering to church. In addition, we will be collecting prayers in the prayer box on the table in the parlor. Also, if you have announcement that you need to be shared please write them down and give them to me before the service. This will be an ongoing practice for prayers and announcements to help ensure that they are heard and understood by all (especially those worshipping with us virtually).
Yes, last Sunday was Round-up Sunday but it is always our call to reach out and invite people to worship. People need to restored and renewed so they can experience the joy God has for their lives. Let us come together in JOY this Sunday.