Worship should always be vital, vibrant, and exciting. We have strived to have those elements be part of our time gathered together as a holy community. We want to create a space where everyone can feel the presence of the Holy One in our midst. We want people to be able to forget the burdens and that which is weighing them down and for a moment enter in the kingdom of God. That kingdom is always there but it is hard for us to feel in the midst of our lives and worship is a time where we try to breakdown that barrier. Jesus was able to do that wherever he went. We are trying to focus on what it is like to live a Jesus shaped life. Trying to have our lives look more like the life Jesus lived should be our goal. And this week we are going to look at the relationships of Jesus and how we might live like him in our relationships. As with all these elements we are looking at in Lent they are not easy to cultivate. Even if it is not easy to live Christ shaped lives that is our call as those that proclaim to be His followers. If we take the time to nurture relationships the way Jesus did, we will be blessed and be able to draw others to the Kingdom of God!Come and learn how to live a little more like Jesus in our time of worship this Sunday.
The bulletin for this Sunday is attached for you to look at. Remember that in the bulletin we have announcements, a prayer list, church attendance, the amount of offering that has come in that support our ministries, along with the outline of the service. We attach it weekly so that those of who can't be with us can keep up with the church and more fully join in worship online. We appreciate everyone who continues to worship and be a part of our community even if they can not come to the church building. While we always prefer to see people in person, we also love those who join us from afar and we are blessed to have you as part of our worshipping community!!
We are live-streaming on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel. For those that are watching when we live-stream we do have a person that can see the comments posted if there are sound or visual issues. While we don't want to fixate on every little issue we do want to know when something is way off and affects your ability to be able to enter into worship. Unless you are watching worship when it is live I would recommend watching on the YouTube channel because the quality is MUCH better.
We are not passing offering plates so the wooden boxes are available to put your offering in. The 2022 offering envelopes are in church mailboxes for those that continue to use them for their offering. Of course you can also give online, use text to give (844-406-0358), or mail the offering to church.
We will be collecting prayers in the prayer box on the table in the parlor. Also, if you have announcement that you need to be shared please write them down and give them to me before the service. This will be an ongoing practice for prayers and announcements to help ensure that they are heard and understood by all (especially those worshipping with us virtually).
One of the key parts of being a follower of Jesus is to invite people to be part of the church. Jesus was about relationships and following Jesus does REQUIRE being part of the body of Christ and being part of corporate worship. So why not invite someone to join us in the church or to join us online? If you haven't invited someone to be part of the church lately then you are not living life the way Jesus has called us to. So be prepared to worship this Sunday and even better bring a friend or neighbor (or even an enemy because Jesus would)!
